What are Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabinoids?
Many Alternative Medicine Therapies to Treat Auditory Hallucination There are commonly medications or hefty metal toxins underlying acoustic hallucinations. Quantum Brain Recovery will certainly begin with detoxing the body of…
Corruption frustrates hemp producers in Portugal
What Is “Bird Nest” in Traditional Chinese Medicine? To most people in the modern world, the term “bird nest” is anything but extraordinary. A bird’s nest is a place where…
EIHA16, hemp and novel food
Benefits of Auriculotherapy – Relief From Stress, Tension, and Addiction Although allopathy has gained fame globally because of its numerous benefits and practices, there are also other old types of…
EIHA16, hemp, so what about the regulatory framework?
Medical Benefits of Agnus Castus Vitex agnus-castus, commonly known as the Chaste Berry or Monk’s Pepper, is a native of the Mediterranean region. It is also be found in multiple…
EIHA16, Hempflax celebrates its 25th anniversary and investors boosting the industry
A Foot Drop Apparatus – Assessment and Assistance With This Walking Problem If you wanted to learn more about AFOs (ankle foot orthoses) then this free health information can help…
Why aren’t we building more with hemp? – Part 1
What Is Japanese Reiki? Styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho that do not have other healing modalities added into to them are often called Japanese Reiki. That is a bit redundant…