Finding Your Ideal Cannabis Dose: Mara Gordon / Green Flower Cannabis Health Summit

Health: Pencil It In

We regularly write to-do items into our planners, but there is one item frequently left out: Health. Penciling health into your schedule can help you support your energy, reduce stress, and practice healthy lifestyle habits.

The Cherries and Gout Connection

Cherries and gout are two words that have been connected for many years. Even old family medical records show that cherries were thought to reduce the inflammation and pain of gout.

Enuresis, Uncontrolled Day and Night Wetting – Does Your Child Suffer From Guilt or Shame?

Enuresis or bedwetting is very common. But for most children it’s their well kept secret, that unfortunately can lead to loss of self-esteem. It’s important to help the child not to feel guilty. Luckily most urinary incontinence fades away naturally as years go by. But in some cases the child’s enuresis can still be a problem as a teenager.

Benefits of Goldenseal Tea

The health benefits gained by using Goldenseal Tea. It has been used as an anti fungal and also has some properties to aid digestion.

Some Like It Hot, Some Cold – Understanding When To Use Hot and Cold Therapy For Injury

The confusion of when to use hot packs versus cold packs is explained for faster healing from injury, back pain, athletic injuries. Long lasting pain from trying to extend range of motion also determines whether to use hot or cold therapy.

Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint and Occupational Therapy Benefits

The knee joint is an area of the body prone to injuries. Osteoarthritis refers to inflammation of the knee joint as a result of long-standing inflammation or wear and tear due to the aging process. We will discuss how occupational therapy can be helpful in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Management of Erb’s Palsy Using Chiropractic Care

Problems during the delivery of a baby can result in future complications in the infant and child. We will explore the management of these complications with chiropractic care and physical therapy.

Management of Chronic Sports Injuries

Approximately 3.5 million children experience sports injuries annually. Some injuries can cause permanent damage if not treated properly. Physical therapy can be beneficial in treating these injuries with no side effects and help these children to heal properly.

Chiropractic Care for Infertility

Many women in the U.S. spend millions of dollars annually for fertility treatments. We will explore the benefit that chiropractic therapy can have for women faced with infertility issues.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Elderly Patients

Are chiropractic adjustments safe for elderly patients? Medications can frequently have unpleasant or dangerous side effects in the elderly. We will present chiropractic therapy as a promising solution for those elderly patients facing numerous conditions.

A Basic Guide to Treating Foot Pain

There is a good chance that if you are dealing with an injury involving foot pain that you will want to find a way to recover as quickly as possible, and there are actually a variety of ways through which you may be able to speed up the process of recovery. Taking the time to learn more about the specific condition or injury that is affecting your feet is the first thing you should do if you want to go about getting the whole thing done and over with, and the best way to do this is to visit a…

Treating Migraine Headaches With Chiropractic

Migraine headaches can be incredibly painful and debilitating. If you experience recurring migraine headaches and have sought treatment from conventional medicine but haven’t found relief, you might consider visiting a chiropractor.

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