Cannabidiol CBD and Mental Health

Body and Soul: How We Actually Build Our Immunity

This article explains the correlation between the self-defense mechanisms in our body and defense ability of our mind. By facing our problems and defending ourselves in interpersonal conflicts we are strengthening our mind and generating a strong body.

Can Fermented Foods Help Prevent Cancer?

Your nutrition definitely effects your body in a good or bad way. A proper diet will aid in fighting ailment while a poor one will have adverse effects.

Lymphadenitis – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Lymphadenitis means inflammation in the lymph nodes. This can be generalized or localized. This condition usually points to some infection or inflammation. A common example of this is tonsillitis, where the tonsil glands are swollen and inflamed, usually due to repeated infections involving the throat. Generalized swelling of the lymph glands may point to more serious infections like HIV and tuberculosis, or may be indicators of serious diseases like cancer. Filariasis causes significant inflammation of the lymph glands and lymphatic channels, usually in the lower limbs, resulting in gross edema of the feet.

Here’s How Football Chiropractors Can Help You Perform Better

Professional teams and athletes often hire football chiropractors for various reasons. Read on to hear the benefits and other aspects about visiting a chiropractic clinic for sports performance.

Stress: Is Meditation a Viable Alternative to Medications?

Stress levels are at record high which is responsible for many illnesses. Could the prevention be as easy as scheduling some daily ‘time out’? Can you really utilize meditation to relieve stress.

How Effective Is Medical Marijuana to Treat Drug Addiction?

Research made proves that medical marijuana can be used to treat drug addiction. The study showed that cannabis did not direct to any physical dependency and hence superior to the other drugs.

Essential Oils for Soothing Your Bug Bites Fast And Effectively

Bug bites are a common problem whenever you enjoy any outdoor activity. They can cause discomfort to most people and become severe if remained untreated. Apart from cream products that are not hard to find on the market, there are some essential oils that can help soothe the pain and nourish the skin. They are proven to be rather safe if used properly because of their package of natural ingredients.

Eat Your Way to Healthier Eyes

We have all heard “you are what you eat”. It’s true what you eat effects all parts of your body including your eyes. Find out how you can keep your eyes healthier, longer.

Chiropractic Care: The Questions You Want Answered

As a popular alternative therapy, chiropractic care often induces a few questions. Below are some of the most common questions chiropractors get asked by patients.

The Incredible Benefits of Visiting a Volleyball Chiropractor

The job of a volleyball chiropractor is to ensure complete physical fitness of the athletes. Wondering about the benefits? Read on to know more!

Spinal Fusion Is a Severe Outcome of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing Spondylitis usually begins in the second or third decade of life and tends to effect men more often than women. Ankylosing Spondylitis is a form of arthritis due to chronic inflammation of the joints in the human spine.

Conflicted About Antioxidants? Here’s What You Need to Know

Antioxidants are all the buzz but they have been existence for a long long time. It’s a must to educate yourself on what are antioxidants and what role they play in keeping your body healthy.

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